“剧本杀”最初源自一款风靡欧美的线下派对游戏“谋杀之谜”,即一款 LARP (实时角色扮演)游戏。随后,该游戏被引入国内,成为了各个线下桌游店里的热门游戏之一,甚至有望成为继狼人杀之后的下一个风口级游戏。不同游戏的剧本内容各不相同,但是玩法基本大同小异:游戏开始阶段,每一名玩家选择扮演剧本中的一个角色,其中有一名玩家会在其他玩家不知情的情况下扮演凶手,其他玩家需要分析推理故事情节以及所搜寻到的证据,共同找出真凶。主要环节包括选择剧中角色、人物剧本阅读、搜集讨论线索、圆桌推理分析和投票选出凶手。全程都由主持人也叫做DM来掌控。
上周的《中国日报》HOSPITALITY版刊登了这样的一篇相关文章,我们一起来看看吧。疫情期间,为克服疫情带来的不利影响,酒店纷纷寻求新的赢利点。其中,“剧本杀+酒店”模式就是一种大胆突破,锁定年轻消费者,用跨界模式、多元化场景和用户导向思维打造更多的消费体验。In addition to leisure activities such as shopping, dining, singing and dancing, people now have one more option-acting.除了逛街、约饭、K歌、跳舞等休闲活动之外,现在人们又有了新的娱乐方式—剧本杀。Live action role-play murder mystery games, or jubensha in Chinese, have become a new craze among the young in China. Each session of jubensha typically involves five to 10 participants, who dress up as different characters to solve a crime together guided by a backstory.“剧本杀”已经成为当下中国年轻人追逐的新热潮,它指的是真人角色扮演的谋杀推理类游戏,每个剧本通常有五到十名玩家,他们装扮成不同的角色,跟随背景故事的指引,共同解决一个犯罪问题。According to data from Beijing-based consumer platform Meituan, China had 2,400 jubensha venues in 2019. The number grew to 45,000 in April and is expected to reach 60,000 by the end of this year.美团研究院发布的《2021实体剧本杀消费洞察报告》表明:2019年国内剧本杀门店有2 400家,到了2021年4月就已经上升到了4.5万家,预计2021年年底会达到6万家。Market consultancy iiMedia Research predicts the market size of the jubensha industry will reach 23.89 billion yuan ($3.77 billion) in 2022.市场咨询公司艾媒咨询预测,2022年“剧本杀”行业的市场规模将达到238.9亿元(即37.7亿美元)。Some hotels with space for live action games are also getting in on the act to tap into this new bonanza.一些可以提供实景游戏空间的酒店也参与其中,想要借这个红利捞一桶金。When Li Wan, a 29-year-old jubensha enthusiast, returned to her hotel room on a Saturday night, she was still looking for clues. She and her friends had just finished a two-day immersive jubensha game offered by a high-end hotel in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.周六的晚上,当29岁的“剧本杀”爱好者丽丸回到酒店客房时,她还没有“出戏”,依然在认真地寻找线索。这一次,丽丸和朋友体验的是杭州一家高端酒店推出的两天一夜沉浸式“剧本杀”。"We combed through clues over afternoon tea while hearing piano music and a code-like knocking sound in the background," Li told Beijing-based China Tourism News. "The story started to unfold the minute we stepped into the hotel. What we heard, saw and touched all became potential clues."丽丸在微信中跟《中国旅游报》记者分享道:“一边‘盘’线索一边喝下午茶,酒店定时响起的钢琴曲,服务员密码般的敲门声……从我们踏入酒店起,故事便已开始了,吃饭、睡觉全部都在剧情设定之中,我们所听、所见、所闻、所触都变成可推理的线索,这种体验真的太入戏了。”"Compared with regular jubensha venues, hotels can deliver a more immersive experience and better service, which is a critical point considering the COVID-19 situation," she added.她还补充道:“与普通的‘剧本杀’体验馆相比,在酒店玩‘剧本杀’更有代入感,而且酒店的服务品质也更让人安心,在常态化疫情防控下,这一点很重要。”Hotel Indigo Heilong Lake in southwestern Sichuan province has set up three escape room-style jubensha venues, an executive with the hotel told China Tourism News. "Our game scripts integrate well with the hotel's western Sichuan-style mansions, which makes the experience more immersive."位于四川省黑龙滩长岛英迪格酒店已经开发了三个独立定制密室,作为剧本杀场地。该酒店的相关负责人表示:“我们推出的剧本和酒店川西公馆建筑风格有很强的融合度,客人沉浸其中,体验感更强。”Last year, Ethos Hotel Xiamen in East China's Fujian province invited a popular local jubensha business, Heizi, to design an original game according to the layout and setting of the hotel.去年,厦门世茂凡象酒店邀请当地著名的“剧本杀”品牌——“戏纸”,按照酒店的布局、场景设计了一版原创“剧本杀”。A representative of the hotel told China Tourism News that besides the income from the game, the hotel also saw increased food and beverage revenue.该酒店的品牌策划相关负责人告诉《中国旅游报》记者,(酒店)不仅从游戏中获利,而且餐饮收入也随之增长。Some jubensha chains are also seeking cooperation with hotels. An executive of jubensha business Soundmate told China Tourism News: "The locations and environment of hotels are comparatively better. Many consumers have a natural trust in hotels and some jubensha players are also hotel guests. Therefore, we are willing to cooperate with hotels."一些专业的“剧本杀”连锁企业也在寻求与酒店合作。森林剧馆相关负责人表示:“相比之下,酒店的地理位置优越、环境优雅,而且很多消费者对于酒店有着天然的信任感,一些‘剧本杀’玩家本身也是酒店的消费者。因此,我们很愿意与酒店合作。”A hotel industry insider told China Tourism News that when conditions are ripe, it is natural for jubensha businesses to join hands with hotels.一位酒店业内人士表示,一旦条件成熟,“剧本杀”企业与酒店联手是水到渠成的。"On the one hand, the integration of hotels and jubensha games is the cooperation between space and content, and has the potential to create a more immersive experience. On the other hand, many jubensha businesses are facing problems such as poor experiences and low-quality service. Hotels, which pay great attention to guest experiences, have an edge in this aspect," the insider said, adding this is also a good opportunity for hotels to attract more young consumers.“一方面,酒店与‘剧本杀’的融合,是空间和内容的合作,有进一步提升‘情景融入感’的潜力;另一方面,目前,不少‘剧本杀’体验馆出现体验感差、服务品质不到位等问题,相比之下,注重客人体验的酒店更有优势。”一位酒店业者分析说,这也是一个增加年轻流量的好机会。Hotel industry veteran Wu Junjie expressed confidence in the cross-sector collaboration to China Tourism News: "With clear positioning and planning, creative game designs and the right people, the 'hotel plus jubensha' model can increase the revenue of some hotels."资深酒店业者吴俊杰表示对跨行业合作有信心:“有清晰的定位及规划、有多元化的玩法,再加上合适的人,‘酒店+剧本杀’是可以提高一部分酒店的营收的。”Some hotels have been more cautious about the partnership. Lin Na, a Shanghai-based hotel executive who is working on a jubensha project, told China Tourism News that hotels must think everything through before making the move, such as costs and investment returns.一些酒店对这种合作关系持更为谨慎的态度。一位正在尝试“剧本杀”项目的上海某酒店负责人林娜坦言,酒店在跨界“剧本杀”时一定不能盲目,要通盘考虑。成本是一个不容忽视的重要问题,需要对市场进行一个运营前置,围绕市场投资回报率等做好测算。A representative of a jubensha club in Shanghai said that high-quality scripts, professional staff and a quality service are the most important things regardless of what organization runs a game.一位在上海经营“剧本杀”俱乐部的负责人认为,不论哪个机构经营“剧本杀”,都离不开优质的剧本、专业的人员以及有品质的配套服务。Money-saving practices, such as having hotel staff play characters in the game and selecting scripts without careful consideration, will never work, the representative noted, according to China Tourism News.因此,一些投机取巧的“省钱法则”,例如让酒店服务人员充当“剧本杀”演员,随便选几个剧本,是无法让消费者买账的。如果你也是“剧本杀”的爱好者,你有没有在酒店里玩过呢?感觉怎么样?可以留言和我们互动交流,我们将在留言区选择3名互动留言的粉丝,送上由万丽酒店提供的精美礼物一份!《中国日报》会不定期利用周末版向大家介绍有关酒店方面的信息,对这方面有需求的粉丝可以重点关注我们的HOSPITALITY版块。